Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Reception this weekend

Hello everyone!

We are looking forward to seeing all of you at the reception this weekend! It is open house style and there will be plenty of food and drinks all day, so please come at whatever time you would like! 

Please also feel free to email or call us if you need directions or have any questions at all.


Eric and Marissa (The Tatges)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

3 DAYS!!

Hello everyone!

We are 3 days away from take-off! Hope you are all getting packed and ready to go! A bunch of us are meeting in Beloit on Friday to take a shuttle bus to Chicago. If you are interested, let us know so we can get you the details.

Don't forget to make those copies of important documents and cards! And remember to pack all your wedding day goodies :) Please also take a look at baggage and carry-on limits for Aer Lingus so you don't have any issues when boarding.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns you have about the trip. We want this to be amazing and hassle-free for all of you!

We love you all very much and can't wait to get on that plane in just a few short days.

Get ready!!!! :)

-Marissa and Eric

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Final Countdown!!

Hello everyone!

We leave in 10 days!!! We hope you are all getting as excited as we are! A few reminders if you haven't thought about them already:

-Set up your mail hold for the week we will be gone
-Start packing
-Copy all important cards and documents that you will be traveling with (including your passport) - it is best to make a copy for yourself as well as a copy for someone else to hang on to for you while we are gone.
-Buy a converter and adapter if you plan on using any electronics from home
-Get excited
-Rest up...we have a big week coming up!

See you next week!!!

Eric and Marissa

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Chicago hotel and dinner cancelled

Hello everyone!

It seems like everyone has plans on Thursday night already, so we are cancelling the rooms in Chicago. We can all plan to meet at the airport on Friday instead. If anyone is interested in carpooling, let us know!

We leave two weeks from tomorrow!

-Eric and Marissa

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Travel questions

Hello everyone!

Please visit the new "Travel FAQ's" page on the right-hand side for answers to everything we went over in the meeting with Rick. Please let us know if we are missing any of your questions and we will be sure to add them! 17 days until we leave!

**The itinerary has been updated slightly. Hotels in Dublin and Galway have changed. Details are listed on the Itinerary page as well as in the packets you received from Rick.**

Eric and Marissa

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Informational Meeting

Hello everyone!

We are just 30 days from departure! Let the official countdown begin! J For those of you interested in joining us at the optional informational meeting next weekend, here are the details:

When: Friday, September 14th from 7:00 PM-9:00 PM (the length of the meeting depends on how many questions we all have, we can shorten it to an hour if needed)

Rick McNabb’s House
1101 Shagbark Lane
Union Grove, WI

Why: This is a great way to calm your nerves about any travel worries and ask all the questions you want!  It’s also a chance for everyone to get together, meet Rick, enjoy a few snacks, and get pumped up about our upcoming adventure!

**Please come prepared with a list of any questions you can think of!! **

We look forward to seeing everyone soon! Please let us know if you have any questions in the meantime.

-Eric and Marissa